For students

Open positions

Depending on our budget, we frequently post vacancies for internship roles on fundamental and applied topics of deep learning. These are generally designed for students or graduates with prior experience of the subject. See the list of open positions below.


No open positions at the moment

TransmuteX Internship Programme

For the self-motivated students early in their academic career, we have a unique internship programme where grades and prior roles/titles do not matter. If you believe you have the potential to solve challenging problems of deep learning with minimal supervision to start, this is meant for you. For more details, see transmuteX.

2023 RCV Competition mode

We are co-hosting the 2023 Resource Efficient Deep Learning for Computer Vision (RCV) Workshop at ICCV 2023 in Paris, and it comes with two exciting challenges to tackle. All students whose teams rank in the top 10 of any of the two competitions (final phase), will have the opportunity to get interviewed by our team for an internship role at Transmute AI. This interview will be light and focused around your solution made at the competitions. For the two competitions, see 2023-RCV-Competitions.

Additional perks: Beyond internship, good scores at the competition give you an opportunity to co-author a research paper associated with the challenge.

For mentors

The success story of the lab lies around the fact that our senior researchers act as pro-active mentors who are frequently available to help the students. We would like to continue this legacy and expect the following in our mentor:

If you satisfy the above criteria, feel free to connect at