TransmuteX Internship Programme

TransmuteX internship programme is designed for all those brilliant minds who are self-motivated and enthusiastic about making a difference in the field of AI through their hard work and dedication. We believe every student, irrespective of their academic stream of study and prior experience, has the potential to contribute to the field of deep learning. Thus, this internship programme is unique in the sense that it will not focus on your resume, rather completely on how you perform in Phase I of the programme, as outlined below.

How does it work?

To get started, you would need to choose one of our outlined problem statements, and build the first preliminary solution on your own. We evaluate your solution, and if it passes our checks, you will be a TransmuteX intern for a duration of 3 months (including the time that you already spent building the preliminary solution). We will provide a stipend and mentorship and you will be integrating the solution into TrAILMET. Once done, your solution will be a part of the next release of our software, and this is where the internship gets concluded. Based on the performance, there will be chances for longer term projects.


TransmuteX internship programme comprises of two phases: Phase I and Phase II. Details of the two phases follow below.

Phase I: To participate in this phase, each student needs to choose one problem statement to work on. Students can choose to work on their own pace to implement a solution to the posed problem.

Phase II: As part of this phase, you will be working as part of the Transmute AI team and will be provided mentorship by one of our experienced members. If you reach this point, we will already count the completion of 1-month of the internship. During this phase, you will be required to integrate your solution as part of the TrAILMET toolkit. You will need to adhere to the guidelines set out by the mentors. Further, you will be contributing to developing unit tests as well as documentation related to the method. Once integrated, you will be running numerical experiments associated with your method to include it in our benchmarking suite. On completion of the tasks, you will be provided the full stipend of the internship as well as a certificate acknowledging successful completion of the project. The whole duration of the internship cannot be more than 3 months (including 1 month of Phase I).

Problem statements


Eligibility criteria


No, you are not eligible in such cases. Once you join as a TransmuteX intern, we expect you to be available full-time. For cases where you are partly busy with ongoing academics, we will deal with on a case-by-case basis.

Yes, this is a paid internship programme. However, the entire stipend will be paid at the end based on the successful completion of the internship.

No, this internship programme does not look at your stream of enrollment. Rather, we evaluate each student based on performance during Phase I of the programme, as outlined above.

Contact us

If you have any queries, please reach out to us at Note that we will be responding to only selective queries related to the programme.

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